Jamba II

The First 2 Weeks – I Forgot About So Much!

Hi Readers and Friends,

DSCF2493 I took the photo above of Jamba yesterday.  He’s a real cutie and such a sweet guy.  He’s 10 weeks old this week and just a bright eyed full of wonder furball.

Besides the fact that Jamba still needs to get up every 2 to 3 hours at night to go out these last two days have been extra tough.  I think he must have eaten something in the yard and whatever it was it has not agreed with his system.

We’ve had full on bowel disagreement.  I’ll spare you all the gory details but I think I finally saw something come out this morning that didn’t look quite right.  I’ve put him on some rice, pumpkin and yoghurt in an effort to tame down the fire and I’ll hold off feeding him until the morning and see if he’s doing better.  He’s active as can be, plenty of spunk, drinks and eats so my gut guess is just something he nibbled on outside.

He’s due to go to the Vet anyway for a wellness check so I guess I’ll need to make that appointment sooner rather than later just to get this thing under control in case it is actually something a bit more serious.

So if you all have been checking in lately to see what’s new I do apologize, I totally forgot how much time these new young pups take!

I’ll be back to sewing soon, there’s just so much to do and so much that is begging to get done!  One thing I want to do for my next project is go through the entire design process with you, from start to finish.  It has been a long time since I’ve made a design completely from scratch and I’m really itching to have a little fun!

Will talk soon!  And more Jamba updates!!


3 thoughts on “The First 2 Weeks – I Forgot About So Much!”

  1. Adorable puppy! I would be so besotted that I’d never get anything done besides playing! But I do have a sewing issue. I recently started “following” you and I am just now starting to sew clothing again after many years of curtains, quilts and kids Halloween costumes. I went back and looked at some of you past items and I see you made your June item in size 22. I made myself a dress in 18 (I wear a solid 16 in ready-to-wear but I was experimenting). The dress came out way too small. I ripped out the side seams and resewed them at the very edges. Still too small. So I look at my measurements and the pattern has me in a 22 or even a 24! Choke. For real? Should I go my the body measurements or the finished item measurement or a given size? OK, that’s all, now go play with your furball! Thanks.


    1. Hi Gretchen,
      Thanks for the comment and I think I know exactly how you feel. Like, when did I become a size 22!!!!??? I know, and I’m really tired of people telling me to just lose weight and all my problems will be solved! As if I haven’t tried to do that already! But even when I have lost weight I’m still a size 16/18 in sewing patterns, trimmer, but not exactly the cure for finding well fitting clothes.

      To answer your question, yes, sewing patterns have generally been sized a few sizes larger than ready to wear, meaning a size 16 ready to wear is typically about a size 20 in sewing patterns (at least the major brand names such as Vogue, McCall’s, Butterick, Simplicity, Kwik Sew, New Look, etc.). I take my measurements each January and figure out what size I am in patterns and then sew based on that. Since I am a broad back and thick waist I usually go by a chest measurement if I can find it and have to adjust the waist.

      I hope your sewing will be more fun now that you know what size to start out with!

      Happy Sewing!


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