Off the beaten trail, Trailer Adventures

Bringing Home The Trailer and Locating A Parking Space

Hey All…

We’ve had an exciting last couple of weeks here.  About 10 days ago we brought home our NEW TRAILER!  It’s official.  We are now ‘Trailer Trash’!!! LOL!!!

This is how she looked during our walk through at the dealership…DSCF5848

Jim drove us home, but first, a stop at Menards to buy some supplies!DSCF5866

We need A LOT of stuff!

Once we got home I asked if I could try to back it into our driveway…he went and got the camera!!!

It is pretty funny to listen to his directions and then watch that I haven’t a clue as to what his directions mean!

Over the last month I have been reviewing available parking spaces in the area and let me tell you something…there is EVERYTHING out there and I don’t care what they tell you over the phone or describe to you on the internet it isn’t until you actually SEE the space will you know the best place.

I checked out several.  Some had availability and some had waiting lists.  One of the first places I went to look at that had an available space was this one…DSCF5710-001

I don’t even think the photo does this justice.  I drove by the spot several times just to make sure it was the one I was supposed to be renting.  I thought for sure they couldn’t be serious.

What you can’t see very well are all the pine cones, raccoon/critter scat (poop), wild grape vines, weeds, grass, trash and debris left by a previous occupant.  I looked at the condition of the two trailers next to this space and I could tell they really weren’t kept up.  Needless to say I exited the facility post haste and didn’t even stop back into the office.  There was NO WAY our new trailer was going here.

Over the next few weeks after this visit I found another spot and asked to be on a waiting list for another facility.  Turns out the day I went in to pay my first months rent the location couldn’t take it because I hadn’t yet picked up the trailer with the license and registration.

I guess that was their loss because when I got home there was a messege on the answering machine that an opening was available at a location I had been on a waiting list!  This spot was on concrete/asphalt and was flat.  The trailers next to ours were well kept and the business has an excellent reputation.  The only difficulty was going to be the blind back in…DSCF5888

I let Jim do the honors on that one and I will say it only took us about AN HOUR! LOL!  This being our first try we really had a hard time but Jim was very patient and made ever so slight adjustments to re-position the back end.  Not a lot of forgiveness because a truck was parked in the space next to ours with his mirrors resting inches from our trailer (he’s gonna have to move over some!).

Oh…and we did this at night too…


One of the things we needed, which became so obvious very very quickly, was a set of two way radios!  You should of heard us yelling at each other in order for us to hear!  Can you imagine if we did this at a campground during quite hours?

Now that the trailer has a home and we’ve not broken anything we can relax and get to some shopping for a VERY LONG LIST of supplies.  We have a trip planned soon and there’s not much time to get ready!DSCF5891

Happy Camping!


4 thoughts on “Bringing Home The Trailer and Locating A Parking Space”

  1. Ah! really enjoyed this one… but and I really mean But… I never criticize Jim, But, I don’t think anyone could really follow those directions! I kept wanting for him to say “turn the wheel” right or left or whatever instead of cut it. And Wow, I didn’t realize how busy the street was in front of you house!
    Like you said… practice, practice, practice.


    1. After we reviewed the video we just laughed. When they say you need to come up with a code of communication they really mean it! The street is busy because of the park and school. People drive crazy fast around that corner even though there is a stop sign!


  2. Wow! Deep respect for your steering qualities! I know for sure I couldn’t have done it that well trying for the first time. Not even with the smaller car and trailer we have.


  3. well, we’ll see how the next effort goes! I think this was beginners luck plus I had a lot of room to make mistakes!


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