Free Motion Mondays, Machine Quilting, quilting

Quilting ‘Snow In October’

Hi Friends!

The project I’m working on right now is the quilting on the ‘Snow In October’ log cabin quilt.

I’ve been slowly figuring out a plan as to how I’d like to go about the quilting.  First I print a copy of the quilt (I used EQ7 to help with that) and then with a pen try simple free motion movements in areas…DSCF2430

Then I set-up my workstation to free motion quilt and go for it.  This is always the most nerve wracking part, the beginning.  Once you begin you are committed.  I don’t mark the lines but do give myself some ‘registration marks’, little guides to help me shoot for a mark on the quilt.  I’ve quilted the last 4 quilts this way and felt it has worked for me.  My quilting is very rustic, not perfect so going an ‘organic’ route suits me.DSCF2442

Hopefully someday I’ll be good enough to follow a line and actually make it look good but for now this is what works for me.  I love how the quilting makes the quilt start to come alive!

I’ve got a ways to go before it’s finished so stay tuned!

Happy Quilting, Happy Sewing!


2 thoughts on “Quilting ‘Snow In October’”

  1. If I were doing it, outline quilting was all I knew! So this should turn out to be a Masterpiece.
    Good Luck and Happy Quilting!
    love, MOM


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