Charity Sewing

Charity sewing for the little ones…

Do you happen to know what an isolette is?

Well I don’t either.

About a week ago I received an email from my friend Laura asking if I was interested in helping with some charity sewing. Immediately thoughts race back to my little “stop me before i volunteer again” button but I’m a true believer that the only way to happiness is to do something you love in the service of others (thanks Covey!). So I said sure, what the heck.

Well the next day I received a phone call from the AT&T Pioneers group and I told the coordinator to send whatever she needed over and I’d work on getting it done. Just one at a time. These isolette covers were something of great importance and they need about 28. I ticked off one. BTW, the isolette is the little incubator that a preemie baby stays in when they are in the NICU. The cover helps muffle the noises and keeps out the glaring light. Gives them a little cocoon to help them grow!

Here’s the finished product – albeit over some of my storage containers. My two thoughts were first wondered why they don’t have velcro on the front but I suppose this is the way it’s supposed to be and secondly I wondered why they chose to cut the fabric out in such odd patterning. I’m sure there are reasons. Hopefully someday I’ll see a photo of it actually in use at the hospital. I’m sure I’ll be making more.

isolette cover back view

isolette cover front view

3 thoughts on “Charity sewing for the little ones…”

  1. I too am looking for projects to help out others, this is an ideal start…I love to sew, am battling cancer and need things to keep my mind off me…thanks for the beautiful ideas.


  2. I know your post is from several years ago, but it was one that popped up in my search for an isolette cover pattern 🙂 My daughter spent 4 months in the NICU and has been out for just over a year, and I’d love to pass along some of the love we got by making a few isolette covers 🙂 Yours looks fantastic, I bet it was greatly appreciated :)!


    1. Thank You! So wonderful to hear! The isolette cover was super easy to sew and I’m sure any you make will be appreciated as well!!! Congrats on your baby’s health!


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